Fake Driving License in California

What is a Fake Driving License in California?

A fake driving license in California, often referred to as a counterfeit or fraudulent driver’s license, is a document that mimics the appearance of an official state-issued driver’s license but is not legally obtained or sanctioned by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Understanding what a fake driving license entails in California is crucial, as it carries significant legal consequences.

Definition: A fake driving license in CA is a document created or altered with the intent to deceive authorities or others into believing that the holder is a licensed driver when, in fact, they do not possess a valid, legally obtained driver’s license.

Creation and Usage: These fake licenses can be created using sophisticated forgery techniques or purchased from illegal sources, often online. People use them for various unlawful purposes, such as:

  • Purchasing Alcohol: Individuals under the legal drinking age may use fake IDs to buy alcoholic beverages.
  • Entering Age-Restricted Venues: Fake IDs can grant access to clubs, bars, or events that have age restrictions.
  • Identity Theft: Some individuals use counterfeit IDs to assume another person’s identity for nefarious purposes, including financial fraud.

Legal Implications: Possessing or using a fake driving license in California is a criminal offense that can result in serious legal consequences. The specific penalties can vary based on factors such as intent, prior offenses, and whether the fake ID was used in connection with other criminal activities.

  • Misdemeanor or Felony: Depending on the circumstances, individuals may face misdemeanor or felony charges. Felony charges are more likely if the fake ID is connected to identity theft or other serious crimes.
  • Penalties: Penalties for a conviction can include fines, probation, community service, and even imprisonment. In some cases, individuals may also face civil penalties, such as having their real driver’s license suspended or revoked.
  • Criminal Record: A conviction for possessing or using a fake driving license can result in a permanent criminal record, which can have long-lasting consequences for employment, housing, and future educational opportunities.

Defenses: Individuals accused of possessing a fake driving license may have legal defenses available to them. These defenses could include lack of intent to deceive, lack of knowledge about the license’s authenticity, or errors made by law enforcement during the arrest or investigation.

A fake driving license in California is a counterfeit document used to deceive others into believing that the holder is a licensed driver. Understanding the legal implications and potential consequences of possessing or using such an ID is crucial to make informed decisions and avoid involvement in unlawful activities. If facing charges related to a fake driving license, it’s essential to consult with an attorney who can provide guidance and defense strategies in accordance with California law.

The Legal Implications of Possessing a Fake Driver’s License or Identification Card – Penal Code 470B

Possessing or using a fake driver’s license or identification card, as defined by Penal Code 470B, is a legal offense that can have far-reaching consequences. While it might seem like a minor transgression to some, the law treats it quite seriously due to its potential for misuse and the risks associated with fraudulent identification. In this article, we’ll explore what Penal Code 470B entails, the reasons behind its existence, and the significant legal ramifications of engaging in such activities.

Understanding Penal Code 470B:

Penal Code 470B, often referred to as Section 470B or simply PC 470B, is a legal statute that deals with the possession or use of fake driver’s licenses or identification cards. This law is crucial in maintaining the integrity of identification documents and safeguarding against fraudulent activities.

Penal Code 470B primarily focuses on two key elements:

  1. Possession or Use: It covers both the possession and use of counterfeit or fraudulent driver’s licenses or identification cards. This means that even if you have a fake ID but haven’t used it, you could still face legal consequences.
  2. Fraudulent Intent: To be charged under this code, there must be clear evidence of fraudulent intent. In other words, it must be proven that the individual possessing or using the fake ID intended to deceive others, typically for purposes such as purchasing alcohol underage, gaining access to restricted venues, or engaging in identity theft.

Legal Consequences:

The severity of penalties for violating Penal Code 470B varies depending on several factors, including jurisdiction and the circumstances of the offense:

  1. Misdemeanor or Felony: Depending on the jurisdiction and the extent of the crime, possession of a fake ID can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Felony charges are more likely when the counterfeit ID is connected to more serious offenses, like identity theft or fraud.
  2. Potential Penalties: Convictions under this code can result in various penalties, including fines, probation, community service, and incarceration. Furthermore, a conviction can lead to the suspension or revocation of the individual’s legitimate driver’s license or identification card, compounding the consequences.

Legal Defenses:

Individuals accused of possessing a fake driver’s license or identification card have several legal defenses at their disposal. These defenses might include:

  1. Lack of Intent: Demonstrating that there was no intent to deceive and that the fake ID was obtained innocently.
  2. Unawareness: Proving that the individual was unaware of the counterfeit nature of the ID.
  3. Law Enforcement Errors: Highlighting any errors or procedural mistakes made by law enforcement during the arrest or investigation.

The possession or use of a fake driver’s license or identification card is not a minor infraction; it’s a serious offense that can lead to significant legal consequences. Understanding the implications of Penal Code 470B is crucial, as ignorance of the law is not a valid defense. If you or someone you know is facing charges related to fake identification, it is essential to consult with legal counsel to navigate the legal process effectively.

Penal Code 470b encompasses various forms of fake identification cards, which can be subject to prosecution. These fake identification cards may include:

  1. Counterfeit Driver’s Licenses: This is one of the most common types of fake identification cards covered by PC 470b. Counterfeit driver’s licenses are often created to deceive authorities or gain access to age-restricted activities, like purchasing alcohol or entering certain venues.
  2. Fake Identification Cards: Individuals may possess or use counterfeit identification cards that mimic official government-issued IDs, such as state identification cards or non-driver’s identification cards. These fake IDs are typically used for age misrepresentation or identity theft.
  3. Forged Passports: Possession or use of forged passports, which are official travel documents, can also fall under PC 470b. Fake passports are often used for illegal entry into countries or for fraudulent international travel.
  4. Fraudulent Social Security Cards: Fake social security cards, which contain a person’s unique identification number, can be used for various fraudulent activities, such as securing employment under a false identity.
  5. Counterfeit Green Cards (Permanent Resident Cards): Possessing or using counterfeit green cards, which grant individuals legal permanent resident status in the United States, is another form of fake identification that can lead to charges under PC 470b.
  6. Bogus Student IDs: Some individuals may create or use fake student identification cards to gain access to student discounts, services, or facilities to which they are not entitled.
  7. Fabricated Military IDs: Counterfeit military identification cards are illegal and can be used for purposes such as obtaining military discounts or impersonating military personnel.
  8. Fictitious Work Permits: Fake work permits may be used to deceive employers about an individual’s eligibility to work, potentially resulting in unlawful employment.
  9. Counterfeit Immigration Documents: Possessing or using counterfeit immigration documents, including visas and other immigration-related identification, is also covered by PC 470b.

It’s important to note that the specific types of fake identification cards included under Penal Code 470b may vary by jurisdiction, but in general, any fraudulent document that can be used to misrepresent one’s identity or gain unauthorized privileges can lead to legal consequences under this statute.

Penalties for PC 470b Possession of Fake ID

Penalties for PC 470b, which pertains to the possession of a fake ID or driver’s license, can vary depending on several factors, including the jurisdiction, the specific circumstances of the case, and the defendant’s prior criminal history. Below, we provide a numerical breakdown of potential penalties associated with this offense:

  1. Misdemeanor vs. Felony: The severity of the offense typically determines whether it is charged as a misdemeanor or felony. In many cases, possessing a fake ID under PC 470b is considered a misdemeanor. However, if the counterfeit ID is used for more serious criminal activities, it may be charged as a felony.
    • Misdemeanor Penalties:
      • Fines: Misdemeanor convictions can result in fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 or more, depending on the jurisdiction.
      • Probation: Offenders may be placed on probation for a period ranging from six months to one year.
      • Community Service: Courts often order community service hours, typically ranging from 20 to 100 hours.
      • Education Programs: Defendants may be required to attend alcohol or traffic safety education programs.
    • Felony Penalties (for more serious cases):
      • Fines: Felony convictions can lead to significantly higher fines, potentially exceeding $10,000 or more.
      • Probation: Felony offenders may face longer probation terms, often lasting one to three years.
      • Imprisonment: In some jurisdictions, felony convictions can result in prison sentences ranging from one year to several years, depending on the severity of the offense and prior convictions.
  2. Driver’s License Consequences: In many cases, a conviction for possession of a fake ID can also result in consequences related to the defendant’s real driver’s license.
    • Suspension or Revocation: Convictions may lead to the suspension or revocation of the individual’s legitimate driver’s license, which can last for a specified period, often ranging from six months to several years.
  3. Criminal Record: A conviction under PC 470b can result in a permanent criminal record, which may have long-lasting consequences, including difficulties in obtaining employment, housing, or professional licenses.
  4. Enhancements: Penalties can be enhanced if the defendant has prior criminal convictions or if the fake ID was used in connection with other crimes, such as identity theft or fraud. Enhanced penalties can include longer probation terms, higher fines, or extended periods of incarceration.

It’s crucial to note that penalties may vary widely between jurisdictions, and this numerical breakdown is a general overview. If facing charges related to the possession of a fake ID under Penal Code 470b, it’s advisable to consult with an attorney who specializes in criminal defense to understand the specific consequences you may be facing and to explore potential defenses or mitigating factors.

Penal Code 470b Related Offenses in California

In California, several related offenses and charges are often associated with PC 470b, which deals with the possession of fake IDs or driver’s licenses. These related offenses may include:

  1. Forgery (Penal Code 470): This offense involves creating, altering, or possessing forged documents with the intent to defraud. It’s closely related to PC 470b because possession of a fake ID often involves the use of forged documents.
  2. Identity Theft (Penal Code 530.5): Identity theft occurs when someone unlawfully acquires and uses another person’s personal information for fraudulent purposes. Possession and use of a fake ID can be connected to identity theft, as the false identity may be used for fraudulent activities.
  3. False Personation (Penal Code 529): False personation involves pretending to be another person with the intent to defraud or harm. If a fake ID is used to impersonate someone else, it can lead to false personation charges.
  4. Minor in Possession of Alcohol (Business and Professions Code 25662): If a minor uses a fake ID to purchase alcohol or gain entry to places where alcohol is served, they can face charges under this law. It’s relevant because the possession of a fake ID is often associated with attempting to obtain alcohol illegally.
  5. Credit Card Fraud (Penal Code 484e-484j): If a fake ID is used in conjunction with stolen credit card information or to commit credit card fraud, the offender may face charges under these sections of the Penal Code.
  6. Fraudulent Use of Personal Identifying Information (Penal Code 530.5(a)): This is a specific form of identity theft that involves knowingly using another person’s personal identifying information, including false identification cards, to commit fraud or other unlawful activities.
  7. Burglary (Penal Code 459): If a person uses a fake ID to gain unlawful entry into a property or establishment with the intent to commit a theft or other crime, they may be charged with burglary in addition to PC 470b violations.

It’s essential to understand that these related offenses can be charged separately or in conjunction with a PC 470b charge, depending on the circumstances of the case. The specific charges and penalties will vary based on the facts of the case and the applicable laws in California.


1. What is PC 470B in California?

  • PC 470B is a California penal code section that deals with the possession or use of fake driver’s licenses or identification cards.

2. Is possessing a fake driver’s license a crime in California?

  • Yes, possessing a fake driver’s license is a crime in California under PC 470B.

3. What are the penalties for possessing a fake driver’s license in California?

  • Penalties can include fines, probation, community service, and even imprisonment, depending on the circumstances and prior convictions.

4. Can I be charged if I didn’t use the fake ID?

  • Yes, mere possession of a fake driver’s license, even if not used, can lead to charges under PC 470B.

5. Is PC 470B considered a misdemeanor or a felony?

  • It can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of the offense and prior criminal history.

6. Can a conviction for PC 470B affect my real driver’s license?

  • Yes, a conviction can lead to the suspension or revocation of your legitimate driver’s license.

7. Can I defend myself by claiming I didn’t know the ID was fake?

  • Lack of knowledge about the ID’s authenticity can be a defense, but it’s not a guarantee of acquittal.

8. What if I used a fake ID to buy alcohol underage?

  • Using a fake ID for such purposes can result in additional charges, such as violating alcohol-related laws.

9. Can I get my record expunged after a PC 470B conviction?

  • In some cases, it may be possible to have your record expunged after completing probation and meeting certain requirements.

10. Can out-of-state fake IDs lead to PC 470B charges in California?

  • Yes, if you possess or use an out-of-state fake ID in California, you can be charged under PC 470B.

11. Can I use a fake ID to enter age-restricted venues without consequences?

  • No, using a fake ID to enter such venues can result in PC 470B charges.

12. What if I possess a fake ID but didn’t intend to use it?

  • Intent to use the ID fraudulently is a key element of the offense, but mere possession can still lead to charges.

13. Can I buy a fake ID online without getting caught?

  • Engaging in illegal activities, such as buying a fake ID, carries risks, and you can face legal consequences if caught.

14. Are there different penalties for using a fake ID for different purposes?

  • Penalties may vary depending on the specific fraudulent purpose, but PC 470B generally covers various uses of fake IDs.

15. Can I be charged if I made a fake ID but didn’t use it?

  • Creating a fake ID with the intent to use it fraudulently can lead to charges under PC 470B.

16. Can I be charged if I lend my fake ID to someone else?

  • Lending your fake ID for unlawful purposes can also result in PC 470B charges.

17. Can an attorney help reduce the penalties for a PC 470B conviction?

  • Yes, an experienced criminal defense attorney can explore legal defenses and potentially negotiate reduced penalties.

18. Will a PC 470B conviction appear on my criminal record?

  • Yes, a conviction will typically result in a permanent criminal record.

19. Can I appeal a PC 470B conviction if I believe it was wrongful?

  • Yes, you have the right to appeal a conviction if you believe there was a legal error in your case.

20. Can juveniles be charged with PC 470B?

  • Yes, juveniles can face charges under PC 470B, and the case may be handled in juvenile court.

21. Can an expungement remove PC 470B charges from my record?

  • Expungement can remove the conviction but not the fact that you were charged initially.

22. Can immigration consequences result from a PC 470B conviction?

  • Yes, non-U.S. citizens may face immigration consequences, including deportation, for certain criminal convictions.

23. Are there diversion programs available for PC 470B cases?

  • Some jurisdictions offer diversion programs as an alternative to prosecution for first-time offenders.

24. Can I be charged with both PC 470B and identity theft?

  • Yes, if a fake ID is used for identity theft, you can be charged with both offenses.

25. How should I proceed if I’m charged with PC 470B in California?

  • Seek legal counsel immediately to understand your rights, potential defenses, and legal options. An attorney can help protect your interests throughout the legal process.