Ignition Interlock Devices: A Comprehensive Guide

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Ignition Interlock Devices (IIDs) are breathalyzer-like devices installed in vehicles to prevent individuals convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) from starting their vehicles if their blood alcohol content (BAC) exceeds a predetermined limit. These devices are an essential tool in promoting road safety and reducing the incidence of drunk driving.

How Does an IID Work?

1. Installation

An IID is professionally installed into the vehicle’s ignition system by a certified technician. The device is typically connected to the vehicle’s computer and wired into the ignition circuit. This ensures that the IID can control whether the car starts based on the driver’s BAC.

2. Initialization

Before each use, the driver must provide a breath sample to calibrate the IID and ensure it’s functioning properly. This initial breath sample helps establish a baseline reading for the driver’s BAC, ensuring accurate results every time the driver starts the car.

3. Breath Analysis

Every time the driver attempts to start the vehicle, the IID requires a breath sample. The device analyzes the breath sample for the presence of alcohol to determine if the driver is sober enough to operate the vehicle safely.

4. BAC Testing

If the driver’s BAC is below the predetermined limit, the IID allows the vehicle to start. However, if the BAC exceeds the limit, the vehicle will not start. This prevents anyone who has consumed alcohol from driving.

5. Random Testing

IIDs are programmed to conduct random breath tests throughout the driving session to ensure compliance. The frequency of these random tests can vary depending on the specific IID model and the terms of the court order. This feature helps prevent drivers from consuming alcohol after starting the vehicle.

6. Violation Reporting

If the IID detects a violation, such as a failed breath test or attempted bypass, it will report the incident to the monitoring agency. This information can be used to determine if any additional penalties or restrictions are necessary, ensuring that drivers adhere to the terms of their court orders.

Key Features of IIDs

1. Accurate BAC Testing

IIDs utilize advanced technology to measure the alcohol content in a driver’s breath with precision. The devices are calibrated to provide accurate readings and are designed to minimize the potential for errors, ensuring reliable results.

2. Ignition Interlock

The IID is integrated into the vehicle’s ignition system, preventing the vehicle from starting if the driver’s BAC exceeds the set limit. This feature effectively deters drunk driving by ensuring that impaired individuals cannot operate the vehicle.

3. Random Testing

IIDs are programmed to conduct random breath tests throughout the driving session to ensure compliance. These random tests help prevent drivers from attempting to circumvent the device or consume alcohol while driving.

4. Data Logging

IIDs record information about breath tests, violations, and device tampering. This data can be used to monitor compliance and assess the effectiveness of the IID program, providing valuable insights into driver behavior.

5. Remote Monitoring

Many IIDs can be monitored remotely by the supervising agency. This allows for real-time tracking of device usage, compliance, and any potential violations, ensuring that drivers remain accountable.

Benefits of IIDs

1. Reduced Drunk Driving

IIDs can significantly reduce the number of drunk driving incidents by preventing impaired individuals from operating vehicles. This can lead to a decrease in accidents, injuries, and fatalities, making the roads safer for everyone.

2. Increased Road Safety

By reducing the prevalence of drunk driving, IIDs contribute to a safer driving environment for everyone on the road. This can lead to a decrease in traffic congestion, accidents, and insurance premiums.

3. Rehabilitation Tool

IIDs can be used as a rehabilitation tool to help individuals develop healthier habits and avoid future DUI offenses. By providing a constant reminder of the consequences of drunk driving, IIDs can help individuals make positive changes in their behavior.

Important Considerations


The installation and monitoring of an IID can incur significant costs. It’s essential to consider these expenses when deciding whether to install an IID.


IIDs can be inconvenient for drivers, as they require regular breath tests and limit their ability to use the vehicle freely. This inconvenience can be a factor to consider when evaluating the benefits of an IID.


Using an IID might restrict where you can drive or who can drive your vehicle. It’s important to understand these restrictions and how they may impact your daily life.

Example Scenario

Imagine you were recently convicted of a DUI in California. As part of your sentence, the court orders you to install an IID in your car. You contact a certified IID installation company, and a technician installs the device. Now, every time you want to drive, you have to blow into the IID. If your BAC is below the set limit, your car starts. If it’s above the limit, the car won’t start, and the incident is reported to the monitoring agency.

FAQs About Ignition Interlock Devices

1. What is an Ignition Interlock Device (IID)?

An IID is a device installed in a vehicle that requires the driver to provide a breath sample before starting the car. If the BAC is above the set limit, the vehicle will not start.

2. Who needs to install an IID?

Individuals convicted of DUI offenses are often required to install an IID as part of their sentence.

3. How long do I need to use an IID?

The duration varies depending on the severity of the offense and court orders. It can range from several months to a few years.

4. Can someone else drive my car if it has an IID?

Yes, but they must also provide a breath sample before starting the vehicle.

5. What happens if I fail a breath test?

If you fail a breath test, the IID will prevent the vehicle from starting, and the incident will be reported to the monitoring agency.

6. Can I tamper with or bypass the IID?

No, tampering with or bypassing the IID is illegal and can result in additional penalties.

7. How much does it cost to install an IID?

Costs vary but typically include installation fees, monthly maintenance fees, and removal fees.

8. Where can I get an IID installed?

IIDs must be installed by certified technicians at authorized service centers.

9. Do IIDs work in all types of vehicles?

Most IIDs can be installed in various types of vehicles, but it’s best to check with the service provider.

10. Will an IID damage my vehicle?

No, IIDs are designed to be installed and removed without causing damage to the vehicle.

11. Can I travel out of state with an IID installed?

Yes, but you must comply with IID requirements and ensure you can find service centers for maintenance in other states.

12. How often do I need to get the IID serviced?

Regular servicing is required, usually every 30 to 60 days, to ensure the device is functioning correctly.

13. What if I have a medical condition that affects my breath sample?

You should discuss any medical conditions with your IID provider and monitoring agency for possible accommodations.

14. Are there any exceptions for emergency situations?

No, you must provide a breath sample to start the vehicle in all situations, including emergencies.

15. What if the IID malfunctions?

Contact your IID provider immediately to report the issue and arrange for repairs or a replacement.

16. Can the IID detect substances other than alcohol?

IIDs are specifically designed to detect alcohol and do not typically detect other substances.

17. Will using mouthwash affect my breath sample?

Yes, mouthwash containing alcohol can result in a failed breath test. It’s best to avoid using alcohol-based mouthwash before driving.

18. Do I need to notify my insurance company about the IID?

It’s a good idea to inform your insurance company, as it may affect your policy or rates.

19. What are the penalties for failing to comply with IID requirements?

Penalties can include extended IID usage, additional fines, or further legal action.

20. Can I remove the IID myself once my requirement period ends?

No, the IID must be professionally removed by a certified technician to ensure proper documentation and compliance.